


Peace can be applied to an abundance of situations each in a unique way. Each application just as unique as the situation/one applying it. As defined by Oxford Languages

Peace is...

The peace I choose to discuss today delves into one's 'peace of mind' & how having a positive attitude contributes to that peace.

There has been numerous occasions in my life where my attitude directly affected the outcome of a situation. Having a positive attitude in my eye is to be aware of the negative, but to remain optimistic for a positive outcome.

I once watched a video on YouTube (click here to view) after which I identified worry as a major obstacle in the way of peace. In my experience worry comes from focusing on the negative outcome rather than focusing on the positive.

I am in no way saying one should ignore negative situations that may occur in life. I am saying though; one should focus on the positives, learn from the negatives & operate from a state of mental peace.

Positive energy will activate constant elevation, because our decision making process works at it's most optimum level when our mind is at peace

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Life Lesson 101

Life is set up in such a way, that the decisions we make are based on the information we have available to us at the time of making the decision in question. 

Whether it was the right decision or not is often revealed after the decision is made. In addition, the actual lesson is also learnt after the decision. In some cases, some time after!

The most important thing is to learn from the outcome of your decisions. If not, life has a funny way of repeating itself until the lesson is learned. Once the lesson is learned, it is replaced with a new lesson. 

So don't beat yourself up because of a mistake you may have made. It would be more productive to ensure that mistake never repeats itself. This is how you see progress.

This is is LIFE...

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Greatest Lessons

Often, one can feel overwhelmed and at times devastated with issues faced in life. In these times it may be best not to focus on what was lost, but better yet focusing on how or why it was lost.

Look at the situation in third person and objectively analyze your contribution to it. The situation on a whole may be out of your hands, or be mainly the fault of another.

Either way, finding your role can lead you to what should or shouldn't be done in the future. You cannot control the actions of others; so assuming the blame for their folly would be asinine.

It would be more productive to focus on the lesson(s), to ensure it never affects you negatively again! Usually the heavier the cost, the more valuable the lesson(s). 

We live and we learn, so...

Keep Your Head Up! & Keep It Pushing!

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Permanent / Temporary

If one is to make a decision that would result in a permanent outcome; the basis of this decision should never be on temporary pretense. Remember! The means must justify the ends. If not, the decision is not worth making/actioning.

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Create Good Memories!

Our lives are a collation of our experiences, memories, environment and relationships we have throughout. In my opinion; to look back at life and have POSITIVE, HAPPY & LOVING memories that outweigh the negative, equates to a GOOD LIFE!

Strive to make the moment count whilst going through it! We too often take things for granted, life has a whole new ZEST! A whole NEW FLAVOUR! When we appreciate the experience!

YES! The negative in life serves a purpose, but that doesn't mean we must dwell on it! Drown it with positivity and your blessings will be soo abundant you will forget the negative even happened.

Most importantly! 


...and his method has purpose

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Family is Important!

Life has led me down a path where I feel that no one truly understands me. My circle of friends is extremely small and I hardly even talk to them! I've found a tranquility within myself where I enjoy time alone with my thoughts.

Lost in the vastness of my imagination, there is a sense of joy when I disconnect from the world. At these times, one can fall in love with ones self whilst learning who they truly are...

When in this mode, it's important to stay connected to family. Thankfully in my case, love is the main ingredient in my family's nucleus. Sometimes though, you gotta  let go, and....



Family keeps you grounded, family reminds you who you are and most importantly; Family reminds you

 'why you DO THIS!'

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It was not the greatest time of my life. My great-grandmother was in the hospice and it didn't look good. I was going to school in Antigua at the time and had to fly home because she was asking to see her great grandkids.

When I landed, we left the airport and went directly to her. I had to wait for a bit due to the hospice rules, they only allowed two visitors at a time and my parents visited first.

I took the opportunity to visit a random old man, who softly uttered to me the advice I'm about to give.

It started after I introduced myself and asked him if he minded me visiting as I'm waiting to see my great-grandmother and I noticed that he didn't have a visitor. His face lit up with delight, and he welcomed the visit.

Whilst speaking to him, he told me the most profound thing and it has stuck with me throughout my life. He explained that now in his final days, he has reflected on his life. His greatest regrets came from all the things he could have done but didn't do. The relationships he had that he didn't nurture and all the possibilities that could have been, but never materialised.

Now that the next step for him was to be waiting for the Grim Reaper to claim his soul; he realised that his deepest regrets came from NOT "LIVING". He said it would have been better if he lived his life taking the chances, doing more and saying less.

Moral of the story is:


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I have realised that I tend to stay more grounded & eternally grateful for God's blessings when I take time out in the week and take care of something/anything God had created. 

It helps you to appreciate the wonder and mercy of God. The more you do this, the more you realise how much God is taking care of you.

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